“Come on now, Blakeypoo, bring that nice
fresh cape over here. Uncle
Joker’s in the mood to bash some orange and yellow, and there doesn’t seem
to be a Robin around.”
“Comrades, DEFEND ME!” Catman wailed,
diving for cover.
He dove first
behind Mad Hatter, who stepped nimbly aside, then behind Mr. Freeze, who
sidestepped just as swiftly. Finally,
Catman ran behind F’Nos, seated at the bar.
F’Nos swiveled on his barstool to face the man scrunching behind him.
Catman turned, F’Nos swiveled, Catman turned again, F’Nos swiveled
again, making a complete circle. After
a second full revolution, F’Nos decided he didn’t like this game and took out
his saber, pointing it at his antagonist’s throat. Catman crawled on all fours to find a barstool with a
more cooperative patron to hide behind.
“That’s what we really need around here,”
Joker complained loudly to no one in particular.
“A supply of Robins to take out our frustrations.
Oswald! Oh, Ozzy! Can’t we get some… where is he?”
Joker looked around the room, searching for
Oswald, and seemed to notice the cameras for the first time.
“Now what have we here?”
He put his eye up to the nearest camera lens. “Helloooo, anybody hooome in there?”
“Ahem,” Sly cleared his throat distinctly,
“Mr. Joker, I’m very sorry, sir, but we can’t have this.
We cannot have you beating up the other patrons on national television.
I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
Joker paused knocking on the front of the
cameras and turned towards the incomprehensible words.
There was Sly, looking unhappy. And
Giggles right next to him, arms crossed, unhappier still.
“Now look, boys,” Joker began reasonably,
“I can take a joke as well as the next guy, I really can.
Not nice to be playing jokes when I’ve told you all about pink
haciendas and smiling Pete not smiling, but hey, not everybody is as nice as me.
Nevertheless…” He swung his weapon viciously, taking out one of the tripods.
“…I’ve got a crowbar here and I want to let off some steam—”
F’Nos, seeing Gr’oriBr’di engaged in a
showdown, ran forward with his saber drawn, positioning himself between his
master and the threat.
“Hey look,” Joker pointed his stick, “One
of those Ra’s Aluminum Ghuls. You
want a piece of me, Flyboy?”
“Mr. Joker, that isn’t a crowbar, it’s a
broken chair, and it’s coming out of the security deposi—”
“You should replace it with the non-wooden
kind, like my table,” a cool voice decreed from her recently repaired polymer
Sly looked to the heavens for patience.
“Not now, Miss Isley, please. Got
a situation here.”
“I must insist,” Ivy declared, “No man
can refuse me and it is a perfect time to establish a new policy—”
As she spoke, her plants positioned themselves on either side of Sly and
Greg. The larger one extended a
tendril and took a belligerent poke at the Joker, while the other arranged its
leaves to mimic the crossed-arms position with which the two men faced the
stupefied clown.
“NOT FUNNY!” Joker screamed. “But I’ll show you what is funny, HAHAHAHAHAAA!”
Killer Croc stepped forward into the middle of
the gathering. “No Ha-Ha at Sly.
Sly go away, Hugo tend bar. Croc
no like Hugo tending bar. Clown no
Ha-Ha at Sly.”
Joker looked with hatred from Croc, to Sly, to
the plant, to Sly, to Hugo Strange in the back flipping him off, to F’Nos, to
the other plant, to Greg, and back to Sly.
“You’ll all be sorry,” he moped to the
extent his permanent smile would permit. “You
can’t keep a clown down. And you
can’t get down off an elephant. You
get down off a duck. HAHAHAHA.
Down off a duck, I gotta remember that.
Anyway, as God as mah witness, I’ll find what’s become of my
joybuzzer and rubber chicken, and when I do, as Bob is my witness, I’ll never
see Gumby again.”
..:: OraCom Channel 4: Batmobile ::..
:: Boss, I’m still monitoring that video feed
like you asked. Joker has left the
Iceberg. Repeat, Joker has left the Iceberg. ::
Batman’s foot hit the gas pedal, in
frustration more than desire to accelerate the car.
Frustration—and guilt. He
should have anticipated this. Harley’s
notebook had listed every offhand crime idea Joker’s sick mind had spouted
over the course of a year. Batman
naturally informed the businesses that were potential targets, suggesting
strategies wherever he could as to how they might protect themselves.
Why hadn’t he foreseen this? What did he expect to happen?
Blocked at every turn, Joker was sure to go off some way or other.
Batman should have found a way to track him from the moment he left
Again his foot hit the gas and again the surge
of the Batmobile’s powerful engine seemed an outlet for Batman’s guilt,
rage, and dread.
It was pointless now to continue at top speed
to the Iceberg. Joker would be long
gone by the time he got there. All that would remain would be to count up the
bodies. The denizens of the Iceberg
Lounge were criminals; most were his deadliest enemies.
But he was not eager to see what Joker had done to them.
:: Here, Boss. ::
“Body count?”
:: Um.
…Zero. He just… left.
“He LEFT?”
:: Affirmative.
Joker would never slink away.”
:: Boss, it’s on tape.
You can see it. I don’t
have sound; I still can’t get past those damn anti-bugging measures Cobblepot
uses. But it’s there, plain as
day. There was what looked like a standoff with Sly and Brady and the plants. A
DEMON op and Croc got involved, and Joker made some kind of a speech, shook his
fists and left. ::
Batman out.”
Since his indoctrination of the Cult of Ra’s
al Ghul, F’Nos had never been guilty of cowardice.
He was an Ajax second level of the DEMON’s League of Assassins.
He did not flee combat. He
did not flee danger of any kind. His
life was sworn to the Great One and it would be an honor to lose it in service to
his liege or any of the DEMON’s appointed overlords, such as Gr’oriBr’di.
F’Nos would never flee combat or danger.
He did flee FAB!
F’Nos had come to understand, in the course
of his evening at the Iceberg Lounge, that the men who surrounded him when he
first neared the building were minions of a cult called FAB! just
as he himself was of DEMON.
He realized that his behavior at the door must
have given great offense, and he watched carefully when two of them came into
the bar and sought an opportunity to introduce himself and explain his earlier
rudeness. Indeed, he was rehearsing
what he would say—
Fellow warriors, I am F’Nos, my saber
pledged to Ra’s Al Ghul since the year of the second Blood Moon.
I know not of your calling to FAB!, but pray that we might commune
as brother soldiers until such time as the aims of our masters might conflict
and we meet in glorious battle.
—when the episode with the mad clown
compelled him to put such thoughts aside and engage his sword in defense of
When the menacing clown had left, F’Nos found
himself the center of much attention. Many
who saw the event wished to buy him a drink, and Gr’oriBr’di gave him leave
to accept their hospitality.
F’Nos was at the bar surrounded by these
admirers when saw the cowardly warriors of FAB! creeping out from
their hiding place. They had hid
themselves! He was outraged and
denounced them. But they took his
pointing and calling their names to be some kind of invitation and joined the
crowded circle at the bar. Here
they renewed their interest in his apparel, and even expanded it to include his
He fled.
While there could be no excuse for cowardice,
F’Nos assured himself as he left the building that there was no shame in
departing a nightclub. As if the
Fates themselves would confirm this view, he was immediately rewarded with an
important bit of enemy intelligence. The
miscreant clown that threatened his master was still in the area. He was ascending the stairs in the rear of the building, and
F’Nos watched suspiciously as he knocked on the door of some apartment over
the club and was admitted.
The clown was hatching some plot against the Iceberg, and F’Nos drew
the saber that the FAB! cultists declared “pointy but
practical” and swore on its blade to safeguard his master Gr’oriBr’di’s
interests no less than he would Ra’s al Ghul himself!
..:: OraCom Channel 4: Batmobile ::..
:: Yeah, Boss? ::
“Joker’s heading on leaving the Iceberg?”
:: Can’t tell from the vid feeds, it’s all
inside cameras. All I could see is
he went out the door. ::
Alright, call in Robin, ‘Wing… Batgirl… everybody, get them all.
Draw a net around the Iceberg. Monitor
each direction for Joker sightings… Do NOT approach. Just let me know if you
see or hear anything. It’s Joker and he’s agitated. No telling what he’ll do.”
:: Roger, Boss.
All except Nightwing. He’s
got a 2-11 at the river. I’ll
send him to backup R as soon as he’s clear. ::
“Quack-a-kwa? That’s all you’ve got to
say for yourself? Ozzy, I am
appalled. I am shocked. I am
shocked and appalled. I offer you
the greatest honor any villain could hope for, a team up with ME! HAHAHAHAHAAAA.
And what do you have to say for yourself?”
Joker was not so insane that he didn’t
recognize a stinking drunk when he saw one.
And he’d watched enough television to know that the way to deal with
stinking drunks is to stick them in a cold shower and make them drink coffee.
A half-hour later, he discovered, to his dismay,
that the shower and coffee routine doesn’t sober them up; it wakes
them up.
Now he had a wide-awake drunk on his hands.
“KWAK-KWAK-KWAK! Outragemush! Abslootly
outerrageimous! Couple
Evita Perons on my hands. KWAK-KWAK! Taking
over my club, All About Eve. KWAK!
“An old fashioned team-up, Ozzy. That’s what’s called for.
Joker and Penguin, together again.”
Oswald squinted at him strangely. “Oh contraire. We
were never together. –hic- Unless
you count that time it looked like I was killedydead and –hic- somehow half of
Gotham got the idea you did it and you–ulgh-hic-gulgh had to clear yrself.
That is the closest, -hic- we ever came to working together.
“It’s the SPIRIT OF THE THING, Man!” Joker
argued. “The Old Guard reclaiming all that is HAHAHAHAHAAAAA in Gotham from
these young whippersnappers with their newfangled ideas about not beating Catman
to death on television.”
Roxy Rocket arrived at the Iceberg, still in
the throes of an adrenaline high from a thrillingly dangerous Nightwing chase.
She approached the bar, face flushed, and laid out a bit of wet fabric
torn from the vigilante’s costume.
“Lay my drink on there, Sly,” she called.
“Torn from the beast as he jumped onto my rocket from the bridge, if
you can believe it. Almost tanked
in the river. WOOHOO what a
“Roxy, my dear,” Riddler said sweetly,
“Dragons are known to be very fond of riddles, so answer me this:
Who will be impressed by your ripping a bit of cloth from an iguana when
we are toasting a bona-fide dragon slayer in our midst?”
Roxy’s flush of excitement glowed redder into
a flush of anger.
“Figures,” she huffed, “Like the time I
do a record-setting two mile freefall skydive into a ring of fire, and by the time
the picture comes out, some glory hound has done 2.5 into a churning lava pit.
So what flavor of the month upstaged me this time?”
“Here you go, Roxy.
Long Island Iced Tea with extra Coke and triple sec, just like you like
“Him,” Nigma pointed.
“TO SLY, everybody!”
“TO SLY!” the room intoned.
Roxy blinked.
“TO SLY!” the crowd repeated.
“Let’s see it again,” Batman ordered.
Oracle’s fingers skimmed over a key and the
footage of the Joker-Sly confrontation replayed on the largest monitor of her
workstation. Once the situation at the Iceberg had defused on its own, there was
no need for Batman to go there. He’d
come here to view the vid feed and deduce what he could.
“Tell me again why I couldn’t just send
this file to the Batmobile?”
“Bigger screen here,” Batman growled absently,
eyes never leaving the monitor, “I need to see detail.
Especially without sound… Run
it again.”
Barbara sighed and set up the vid-file to loop.
“That should hold you for a while,” she
said turning to wheel towards the kitchen.
“Am I keeping you from something?” Batman
asked, noting the sigh.
“Yeah,” Barbara joked, “Got a hot date
coming by soon. Nice guy, comes in
through the window.”
Batman’s lip twitched—not at Barbara’s
remark but at the tape: Ivy’s
plant poking Joker in the chest. He
watched the confrontation twice more before Barbara returned to her place with a
fresh cup of tea.
“Actually,” she admitted, “you are sort
of keeping me from a project. There
are two more sets of vid feeds on this node.
One is a van interior and the other is a residential apartment—”
“I know,” Batman interrupted, freezing the
frame and enlarging the image of the DEMON agent.
“Oh, you knew.” Barbara deflated. “Well,
you only gave me the keycodes for this one and I found the others on my own.
I was keeping an eye on them just in case, but then about half an hour
ago, I lost the signal from the apartment.”
Batman suppressed the lip-twitch in a grunt.
“Not a surprise. Don’t worry about that.”
Selina, obviously, he surmised. But there was no
need to go into that with Oracle. He
looked back at the screen. Joker’s
mouth was too far from the camera to read his lips effectively, and the sword
blocked Sly’s face for much of the confrontation.
Whatever went down, there were no clues here as to what it meant or what
might happen next.
By now, there were three different accounts of
what had happened between Joker and Sly. The
groupies and the gawkers all focused on Ivy’s plants, for that was the kind of
local color they braved the dangers of the Iceberg in order to see.
The henchmen’s stories all centered around F’Nos, the fierce DEMON
minion who had raced to Greg Brady’s side “like the fat hobbit running in to
save Frodo.” The rogue accounts
all dwelt on Joker’s humiliated exit. But the one aspect that intrigued Roxy remained constant
through the many versions: Sly.
Sly had stood up to Joker; Sly
remained and Joker was gone.
She looked around for her hero. The new big bad of Gotham was Sly, her Sly!
Her one and only bartender beau. Roxy’s
eyes danced with excitement as she scanned the room for the man of her dreams
they narrowed. Sly, her
Sly, the man of her dreams, her bartender beau was sitting in Poison Ivy’s
corner booth with the garden slut crawling over him like some kind of vine!
As Roxy marched through the bar towards the
main dining room, there were murmurs that caused Tom Blake to start from his
barstool and look around furtively. When
he realized the whispers about a “catfight” had nothing to do with him, he
slumped back down in contemplation of his highball.
“‘Scuse me,” she began, tapping not Ivy
but Sly on the shoulder as a means to get both their attention. “I realize we’re supposed to make allowances because
you’re a plant and all, and you don’t get how this whole thing works with
normal men and women getting together, instead of, say, some slime mold from the
Malaria islands. But I say ‘Hey,
if she’s gonna hang out with humans, then somebody should clue her in.
she’s just going to keep making an ass of herself, over and over, time
after time, man after man—after man.’
So here’s the truth, Pammy, direct from me to you:
a healthy red-blooded guy will grab at anything once, particularly if
it’s rubbing up and down on him like a three-dollar whore.
That’s not true love, it’s not even grooving on your lemon scented
beauty. It’s just what they do.
Reminds them of—Excuse me—”
A wisteria had come up behind her and Roxy
paused to swing it into a headlock.
“—As I was saying, they’re not overcome
by your beauty or anything. It just
reminds them of all those daydreams they had about the naked gal in the
magazines when they were fourteen, locked in the bathroom, beating off to Daddy’s
Playboys. It’s got nothing
to do with you. To go the distance with—oh, let’s say a guy like Sly here—you gotta have something more than bare skin and a set of knockers going for you. You need to connect with him as a person—which is gonna
be real fuckin’ hard to do after I twist your head off and stick it on my
..:: OraCom Channel 4: Batmobile ::..
:: Oh my dear lord. ::
What kind of report is that?”
:: Um, sorry, Boss.
Distraction. What’s your ETA getting back to the Iceberg? ::
“Six minutes.
Has he been spotted?”
:: No. There’s– It’s- ::
“Oracle, report.”
:: It wouldn’t be a good time for you to show
up at the Iceberg, Boss. Something
weird’s happening. ::
Batman seethed.
Joker on the loose and now Oracle unable to furnish a concise coherent
“What exactly is happening?”
:: Without sound, I’d have to say it’s—OH, OUCH! ::
:: That’s gotta hurt… I mean, er, it’s…
I’m speculating because there’s still no audio, you understand… ::
“Spit it out, Barbara, what the hell is going
:: Roxy. Ivy. I think the technical term
is… a catfight. ::
Tom Blake leaned in the doorway between the bar
and dining room with his arms crossed.
“When I scratched up that table, they charged
me $1400,” he remarked drolly as Ivy tried digging her nails into her own
wood-free table to prevent being pulled off by her hair.
“Stupid herb-rinse bitch,” Roxy wailed
as wisteria tendrils clawed at her arms, trying to pull her off Ivy’s hair. “Just getting back at me for Harvey, don’t think I don’t know!”
Sly merely remained at the table, cradling his
head in his hands. The better part
of valor forbade trying to explain to either woman that he was merely being
friendly to Ivy… the better part of hotel-restaurant management forbade
running from the fracas like a prudent man.
And the better part of Iceberg survival strategy forbade drawing any more
attention to himself than could be helped as…
“Not going to back down for a butch fichus
…as the cause of the current disturbance.
“See, a little jet fuel, a match. No problem.”
Riddler, Ted and Jai from the FAB!
cast all joined Catman in the doorway and watched silently for a few moments.
“Can’t put a fire out with alcohol, Pammy,” Riddler called out.
“Ooh, too late,” Ted winced.
“…and those vines better stay outta my face
too, because they make damn good rope to tie some uppity bitch to the tailpipe
and go for a joyride…”
Riddler, Ted and Jai parted calmly to allow the
ignited fichus tree to run through them into the bar, the hallway beyond, and
finally the men’s room.
“MY CAPE!” Catman screamed. “That FLAMING
THING singed my cape!”
“I resent that,” Jai said coolly.
“Well, it was on fire,” Ted conceded.
Yelling was heard from the men’s room and the
door burst open; billows of smoke poured out.
Through the haze, Mad Hatter emerged.
“Will you walk a little faster?” he called
excitedly, “said a whiting to a snail. There’s a porpoise close behind us, and he’s
treading on my tail.”
Riddler, Ted, Jai and Catman all looked at him,
then behind him at the thin trail of smoke leading from his tailcoat back to the
men’s room.
“Now see, doesn’t that have more style than
saying that flaming thing singed me.”
“What’s that smell?” Ted asked, crinkling
his nose.
“Lemon pledge,” Blake, Nigma, and Tetch
answered in unison.

be continued…