A Girl's Gotta Protect Her Reputation by Chris Dee
There are very few series that anyone would follow for that long. The
ones that we do are uniformly excellent.
But Cat-Tales is more than excellent, it's alive. It grows with the canon
world, and the real world; while being better than both. It grows in depth
and teaches as much as it entertains. I know I learned a lot, and more than
that, I came to care about the characters, so I keep reading, because I
always want to know what happens next.
And what's more, it started with the most honest of motives. To pay a proper
tribute to a character that has suffered the whim of morons and sexist
thugs. Where most people would do little more than complain, or at most,
stop paying money for more bilge; Chris went one step further and spoke
truth to stupid.
The reason we all cling to that is the simple truth that we still believe in
our champions; no matter how often we get told that Batman is just the
craziest one in the snake pit, or that Selina slept her way into a Cat-Mask. But this is not that world. Here there be Heroes.
Oh my goodness, this was GENIUS! I absolutely loved it. It's been such
a long time since I went looking for humor and found it; this one delivered
with laugh-out-loud punching force. Touche! Absolutely awesome! Your
take on the characters, their little inner monologues, their get-togethers
and interactions, their thoughts and mannerisms-it made them seem so real
and so humorous yet still so them. I could hear a husky voice purring
(pardon the pun) out those sarcastic, sardonic one-liners. I could see Bruce
Wayne twitch uncomfortably and get righteously indignant at the sudden
exposure of his private dealings with Catwoman to the public. I could hear
Dick chortling in his seat. The nightmare scene was especially perfect. Pizza routes and giant Batman on the screen. Perfect!
Cat-Tales by
Chris Dee