The Real Gotham by Erwan Le Goupil

The Batman Family, Batman, Catwoman, Nightwing, Oracle, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Huntress
The Real Gotham by Erwan Le Goupil, 2009

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Inspired by Cat-Tales, The Batman Family, the Gotham heroes, the real Gotham After Dark:

“Who is your favorite Gotham vigilante?” we asked.
“Aside from Bruce, I’m going to have to go with Nightwing. His point of view cracks me up and his relationships with Bruce, Selina and Barbara are delightful to read.”

Erwan Le Goupil maintains a full gallery at DeviantArt

Tags: batman, catwoman, oracle, nightwing, huntress, tim drake, cassandra cain, bat family, gotham heroes, purple catwoman costume, balent catwoman costume

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